Top Reasons For Flickering And Blinking Lights And Fixes

Flickering and blinking lights are familiar enough at home. More often than not, this isn't complicated to fix at all. Most people will replace the light bulb. However, a professional electrician may be needed in some cases.

Here are the most common causes of blinking lights and how to fix each of them.

  • Loose or defective bulbs

If the bulb is not installed correctly, usually it won't light up, but it can also blink due to intermittent contact. The fix is easy enough. Turn off the lights, wait for the bulb to cool down, and tighten it all the way.

The bulb could also be defective or the wrong type for the socket. One can troubleshoot by putting in a new bulb.

  • Faulty light plugs

If only one bulb flickers or one device has flickering lights, check and see if the fixture or device is properly plugged in. If not, plug it in more firmly. Sometimes you may have to adjust the metal prongs before they insert all the way.

  • Normal voltage fluctuations

When large appliances are first powered on, they could pull too much current and cause sudden dimming or flickering lights. This should stop relatively quickly. If the issue persists, get an electrician to take a look at the situation.

When to call a professional

Most people can fix the more straightforward issues without calling an electrician. For a more severe problem, such as anything related to the wiring, call a professional rather than risking electrical hazards.

Always call an electrician to take care of any of the following:

  • Overloaded circuits

When flickering happens every time a large appliance is turned on, it can signal an overloaded circuit. While some flickering shouldn't be a concern, an electrician should look at the circuit and wiring and check if the appliance is faulty.

  • A shared transformer

In many neighborhoods, houses are connected to a shared transformer such that the energy supply is interdependent. In that case, a neighbor using more electricity may cause the lights to flicker in another home. If this happens repeatedly and at multiple neighboring houses, the electricity service may be the culprit.

  • Faulty wiring

Faulty wiring is a fire hazard. Many fires that razed homes started due to faulty wires. It's not something that amateurs can address, so get professional assistance.

Identify the issue, apply the solution

Blinking lights are not uncommon in the United States and other countries that use 110 or 120V AC. In most cases, tightening the bulb or checking the plug will do the trick. Sometimes lights may flicker from time to time from voltage fluctuations, which is nothing to cause concern.

However, you should know when to call an electrician. Trying to solve an electrical hazard without proper knowledge and training can cause serious bodily harm.

Zimmerman Electric is here to serve your residential and commercial electrical needs throughout the Phoenix Valley metro area. Call us today if you need electrical work performed 602-497-3365.


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