Is An Ungrounded Electrical Outlet Dangerous?

A big part of owning a home is making sure the residence is safe and protected against potential fire and environmental hazards. Since electricity is, by nature, dangerous to us, electricians prefer putting as many safeguards in place before trouble strikes. This trumps having to deal with possible unfortunate outcomes.

Ungrounded outlets, for instance, have long been called a hazard to the home. But is any of that true, or are companies just trying to sell replacements? Unfortunately, it is true. Ungrounded outlets can pose a major threat to the house and even people's lives. Thankfully, they're fairly easy to replace. Let's talk about what you need to know about them.

What are ungrounded outlets?

Most modern outlets come with three holes: two slots that hold the hot and neutral wires and a round hole below them that holds a grounding wire. If an outlet doesn't have a round hole on the bottom, it's an ungrounded outlet.

Why is grounding important?

The grounding hole is used to slot the grounding wire for most modern appliances. It's there as a safeguard if anything goes wrong with the device or the outlet itself, such as an electrical short. If that happens, the current will pass through the grounding wire into the ground instead of seeking a suitable conductor, like a nearby person.

Grounded wires have been the de facto standard since the 1960s, and for an excellent reason. Ungrounded wires represent too much of a safety risk than the alternative and have been steadily getting phased out in recent years.

Are ungrounded outlets dangerous?

An ungrounded outlet is much more likely to cause problems if anything happens to the house's circuitry. Since there is no ground available to rely on, arcing electricity and sparks can ignite nearby furniture, walls, or carpets.

Additionally, ungrounded outlets don't protect the appliances connected to them nearly as much as grounded outlets do. If there's a short or a sudden surge of electricity, the appliances will take the brunt of the force, which may cause malfunctions or permanent damage.

If a house has a mixture of grounded and ungrounded outlets, there may have been incomplete attempts at replacing the entire electrical grid in the home. If contractors stopped the work abruptly, chances are there are underlying issues in the wiring that need to be sorted out.

Ungrounded outlets may not present a tangible, immediate threat, but they pose an ongoing risk to people's health and property. Thankfully, it's a dangerous situation that trained professionals can easily remedy.

How to fix ungrounded outlets?

The easiest way to reduce the danger is to replace all the ungrounded outlets with modern, grounded models. Hire a professional service that will ensure that all your outlets are up to date. They can also inspect the wiring underneath and ensure every safeguard is in its correct place and operating properly. 

Zimmerman Electric is here to serve your residential and commercial electrical needs throughout the Phoenix Valley metro area. Call us today if you need electrical work performed 602-497-3365.


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