Tips To Lower Energy Use

Increased energy costs have forced property owners to look for ways to reduce their energy consumption and save on monthly utility bills. Lowering the power use at home also influences the environment positively by decreasing the carbon footprint.

There are a variety of ways to cut down on energy usage. The best solution is to adopt a multi-faceted approach to use less power, from making minor adjustments in the everyday energy consumption patterns to major home improvements.

Read on to know about some quick and affordable ways to manage power usage and live a low-energy lifestyle.

Invest in a home energy audit

A professional home energy audit is one of the simplest methods to determine ways to optimize energy use. Experts use specialized equipment to identify problem areas and make suggestions to reduce energy consumption and save on electricity bills.

Purchase energy star appliances

Replace the old, high-energy appliances like refrigerators, air conditioners, water heaters, and ovens with more efficient star-rated systems. The energy savings offered over time makes any of these a worthy investment. Use up to 50% less energy by upgrading appliances.

Get a smart thermostat

Smart thermostats are a valuable home addition. Using an app, they are easily controllable and lead to more efficient heating and cooling. Save 10% yearly on energy bills by adjusting the thermostat temperature during summers and winters.

Switch to LED light bulbs

Replace all the traditional incandescent bulbs in the home with modern LEDs that use 75% less energy and last much longer. They are economical and widely available in different light levels and shapes.

Avoid vampire power

Vampire power or phantom energy is the power the home devices and appliances consume when they are not in use. For example, switch the lights off before leaving the room, unplug idle electronics to prevent them from using standby power, or run them on a shared power strip to avoid energy waste.

Use ceiling fans

Install ceiling fans and adjust their direction seasonally to reduce energy use. They can circulate both hot and cold air to reduce the load on the HVAC system.

Focus on water conservation

Using less water can have an impact on energy usage too. Water heaters are a major energy-consuming fixture. Cut hot water use by reducing the shower time, fixing leaky faucets and other plumbing fixtures, and turning off the water during activities like brushing, shaving, and washing dishes.

Use light color paints

Dark paint colors absorb light and make the room appear darker. Paint the walls a light color to reflect natural light and reduce the need for artificial light.  

Ensure proper insulation

A well-insulated home significantly reduces the energy required for heating or cooling. Insulation keeps the indoors comfortable by preventing outdoor air from entering and vice versa.

Get HVAC tune-up

An HVAC system is the top contributor to the home’s energy bills. Invest in regular tune-ups and replace the air filters regularly to ensure that the system runs at peak efficiency.

Contact a licensed electrician if you want to know about additional ways to lower household energy use or assistance with other residential electricity needs.

Zimmerman Electric is here to serve your residential and commercial electrical needs throughout the Phoenix Valley metro area. Call us today if you need electrical work performed 602-497-3365.


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